Clean Heart Ministries
Clean Heart Ministries
Focus On:
Addiction, Poverty, Health, Family & Biblical Teaching

Clean Heart Ministries - More Topics


More Topics

The idea for this page is to list items that we may still include under the menu.

The web is like a living organism in many respects and is constantly in a state of growth. Often the old parts die off or even more sad become so outdated that they become of no value other than clogging up legitimate cyber space that could be used for more up to date content.

The above paragraph is focused on what should not be on the web or what dies on the web, but we do have another problem on the internet and I think everyone has at some point not found what they're looking for due to various reasons. We feel that if something is worthwhile and related to the Clean Heart Ministries vision then we should make the effort to not loose sight of providing information that may be of value in terms of our vision.

At present we don't have more, but as God leads us, we would like to make sure that we have a place where can at least initiate a listing of a particular topic, in this case topics specifically related to our main topics. We're not naive enough to believe that all we current have is where it all stops and if God places an additional main topic on our hearts we're certainly open to the growth. We may not have the time to dig deep into the topic, but we do want to have a place where we can list the topic, pray about it and if relevant, develop more information along the lines of that particular topic. At the very least we'd like to see if there is already valuable information related to the specific topic out on the web and provide you a listing of websites that we've reviewed.

If you have any suggestions of topics relevant to Clean Heart Ministries that you would like to see expanded and grown please don't hesitate in sending us your suggestion at


 Page last updated: 01 March 2019

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