Clean Heart Ministries
Clean Heart Ministries
Focus On:
Addiction, Poverty, Health, Family & Biblical Teaching

CHM - Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Basic overview of our privacy policy:
The Clean Heart Ministries website is owned and updated by Clean Heart Ministries and we would like to ensure that your experience with the Clean Heart Ministries website is secure and that your privacy is protected as far as possible within the normal usage of the website. We may gather certain types of information about online software clients using the Clean Heart Ministries website and would like to disclose our policy related to your privacy and how we may or may not use any information received from the Clean Heart Ministries website.

Statistical gathering:
It is a common practice when visiting most websites that your browsing activity may be monitored for statistical and trending purposes. The Clean Heart Ministries  website does not store any of this kind of statistical information within the website entity and we may make use of third parties to gather statistical information where relevant. The normal types of information gathered will be web browser type, ip address, length of visit per page, number of visits to the website etc. Basically most of this information has no relevant personal attributes, but rather gathers browser and browsing trends and statistics. The use of "cookies" can often be used in this form of statistical information gathering.

Voluntary information gathering:
Clean Heart Ministries website may have pages/forms which will require you to enter your name, surname, contact number and email address. This information will never be stored directly within the website entity but on submission will be forwarded to Clean Heart Ministries offsite and secured equipment/facilities. This kind of request for information is primarily used for Clean Heart Ministries to be able to respond to client requests submitted via the Clean Heart Ministries website. This is a voluntary option as there are many other mechanisms and methods for contacting Clean Heart Ministries. We give our assurance that any such information submitted via the Clean Heart Ministries website will only be used for the purpose intended and will never intentionally be disclosed to any third parties
, except to comply with an applicable law or a verifiable legal process.

Unsolicited communication:
Clean Heart Ministries will never use any information voluntarily offered via the Clean Heart Ministries website to initiate unsolicited communication with you in any form (i.e. email, phone, sms etc.).
Bad actors online:
Clean Heart Ministries is aware that often "bad actors" (i.e. those with bad intentions such as fraud, illegal behaviours and the like) will sometimes try using our name and/or logo to attempt to impersonate our ministry for their bad intentions.

We unfortunately cannot police the entire internet (and seems even the best efforts by larger legitimate companies fail here too) in uncovering any "bad"/fraudulent use of our Ministry name/brand etc, yet we give fair warning in this paragraph, that we will never contact anyone who has not first initiated communication with us, also those who we have had contact with will not receive unsolicited communication from Clean Heart Ministries, as stated in the above paragraph, related to Unsolicited communication.

We simply do not communicate very much outside of the few updates on this website and those who we may have established relationships with - we do not use any branding or related URL names from this website when communicating.

Please consider any unsolicited communication from our Clean Heart Ministries brand as fraudulent and treat with the necessary caution to remove the offending communication from your device - without clicking any links or responding to any questions etc, together with any other common "tricks"  that "scammers" often employ to deceive.

Consent of privacy policy:
By using the Clean Heart Ministries website you consent to the above stated privacy policy. We've kept the policy simple and reserve the right to update or change this policy as may be required to meet any related changing criteria.

 Page last updated: 07 March 2021

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