For quite a while God has been impressing on me
not to look to outcomes when ministering in
Jesus Name.
I was just pondering why God has stressed the point
to not to consider His outcome for others in my
thoughts. I asked for a scripture to show me and the
below came to mind.
John 21:21-22 NLTSE Peter asked Jesus, "What about
him, Lord?" Jesus replied, "If I want him to remain
alive until I return, what is that to you? As for
you, follow me."
Sadly Jesus' example to Peter about John, became a
rumour that John would not die. (This was my
immediate thought based on the verse following the
above, which John was trying to clear up at the end
of his gospel.)
Yet, I had to repent of this thinking of the rumours
as being "sad", as the gospel record of the rumours
gives us more reason for greater understanding -
that if we focus on anything other than following
Jesus, we go wrong.
Jesus will do as He pleases with any and every soul.
Only Jesus' outcome for anyone will prevail ... not
our thoughts or intents.
Another thing is that it gives us a very clear
picture and understanding, that to Jesus, each soul
has His personal attention for His best outcome for
that soul.
Sure, we fellowship as Jesus Body while on earth,
care for others in Jesus Name, pray for others etc,
yet we keep in mind that our primary task is
following Jesus.
Much love in Christ,
Friday, 22 June 2018
Cape Town, South Africa
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